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Level Design Mentorship

With Tony Morton | Senior Level Designer

On Break - Check Back Soon!


Mentorship Info

For our Level Design experience, we'll be working to improve and refine your level design skills by focusing on layout, flow and overall structure.

As a Level Designer one of the most important skillsets aside from level composition is making sure the level is built in a way that co workers in other departments can work with. We'll be focusing on any current levels you may be working on and using those as the foundation for the mentorship. Starting with something you already have a vision for and then teaching and adjusting it to be in line with something we'd use in the industry will go a long way in honing your skills.


Areas of Focus

  • Level flow focused on forecasting
  • Design metrics specific to game type
  • 2D concepting and breakdowns

Mentorship Details

  • Feedback - Calls + Discord Community + Mentorship Notebook
  • Skill Level - Beginner To Intermediate
  • Prerequisites - Some familiarity with Unreal Engine 4, BSP, Blueprint and Maya

Tools Used

  • Unreal Engine 4 (latest version)
  • Maya (on rare occasion, can avoid if you don't have access)

Byte Size Memberships From


Monthly or quarterly.
Tier 1 ($235)
Tier 2 ($470)

Standard Mentorship


1 month
4x1.5 hour calls.
6 total hours

Premium Mentorship


Spans 5 Months
8x1.5 hour calls
Additional 3x45 minute checkin calls

Mentorship Calls

Our Mentors bring a personalized approach to each Mentorship through One On One calls featuring hands on training and live demonstrations.

Exclusive Community Access

Each Mentorship comes with lifetime access to The Mentor Coalition Discord community. The community is vibrant with driven members sharing their work, giving feedback, and participating in challenges.

Mentorship Notebook

The Mentorship Notebook is shared resource between you and the Mentor. Use it to share your work, ask questions, and get feedback & paint overs from your Mentor!


Mentor Bio

Tony Morton | Senior Designer and Inventor

Tony has been designing games for over a decade and is currently a Sr Designer and Inventor at PlayStation working on some of their latest titles. Prior to PlayStation he's worked on franchises like Planetside, H1Z1 and a few others.

While Tony started in Level Design, he's done many other aspects of design during his career. From Level design to combat design, economy design and systems design, there aren't too many aspects of Design he hasn't dipped his toes into once or twice. His current accomplishment he's most proud of is being awarded a Game Design Patent as the Lead Inventor while at PlayStation.